Guys: If She Has These Qualities, Keep Her

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Finding a perfect partner is hard. Especially in this generation where most people are superficial and judge individuals by their looks.

Men, if she has a few of the qualities below, keep her:

 1.Good sense of humour

If she makes little jokes here and there, especially in tense situations to lighten the mood, she is a keeper.

She thinks on her feet, and her wit score is off the charts. Don’t let her slip away.


She has plans for the future because as much as the present is all laughs and loves, the future needs investments.

She has laser focus and emotional grit that can see her plans through, keep her.

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3.Good sense of fashion

Imagine this combination: she has the looks, the brains, kind-hearted and knows how to dress for the occasion.

Aren’t you just lucky to have her?


She is always brutally honest even when it doesn’t favour her.

Her lies are harmless and inconsequential. You will be a fool to let her go.

5.Low-key naughty

Her moral compass is just fine, but whenever she talks, you can’t help but sense naughty undertones to her words.

She is naughty alright, but naughty just for you. She knows how to turn you on, and she knows your weak spots. Hold onto her.

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As much as what’s between her ears will never get her free drinks at a club given the superficial nature of our current generation, she is well endowed intellectually.

Nothing drips sexual appeal like a woman with brains. Keep her, I repeat keep her.


She gives God his time and is respectful of other religions.

She is kind, warm-hearted, and above all a nice soul. She is worth keeping.

We are not asking for perfect; we just want something close to it. Lucky hunting men.

Author: Kolade OloladeMultiple Award Winning Blogger:: Content Provider :: Graphics Designer :: Social Media Manager :: PR :: Human Resource Enthusiast

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