The start of a relationship is always special. You are excited to get to know this person but you are also a tad nervous about how things will turn out.
It is natural to feel a mix of emotions when you are just getting to know someone but there are some mistakes that you really need to avoid during this period.Here are some of them:
1. Not respecting his or her personal space: Spending all your free time together might seem like the sane thing to do right now, but you also need to give, and get some space of your own in return.
No matter how the relationship shapes up, you do need to give your own self priority, and not just spend every waking minute together.
2. Cutting off from friends and family: You are happy and you want to be together all the time, but that doesn’t mean you need to cut your friends and family out.
You can be in a relationship and still have your own set of friends and family that you continue giving priority to. Remember they were here first.
3. Not accepting the problems: The start of the relationship is the worst time to have a fight because arguments mean that not everything is perfect.
While you may like to keep up the pretense of living the perfect life just a little longer, arguments and problems are part of the relationship.
Instead of brushing them aside or ignoring them, acknowledge them and work towards solving your differences early on.
4.Comparisons to the ex: Whether you are comparing yourself to his ex or him to your ex, its harmful either ways. There is a reason both of you are out of those relationships so it’s best to not compare what you have with this person to what you had in the past.
5. Trying to change each other: Yes maybe some of your habits will change now that you are in a relationship but excepting the other person to change and fit into your definition of perfect is just not happening.
You need to accept each other for who you are instead of trying to change things.