A toxic relationship is one in which you find sadness rather than happiness. Why do you choose to fall in love? Because you need happiness and enjoy your life with that special person. It however turns out that sadness storms you instead of happiness. That is a toxic relationship.
These are some of the relationships termed as toxic;
A relationship where there is no trust
Trust is key in a relationship. Trust is what keeps lovers/couples together and if you are in a relationship where you are not trusted then you have definitely subjected your heart to toxicity emerging from frequent moments of pain. No relationship can be built without trust.
A relationship where only one person is in control
Sometimes you find it easy following your partner’s decisions for you thinking that he/she cares for you so much and so you don’t need to disobey his/her directives. But if you let someone be in control of you all the time then there will be days when they will be actually making all decisions for you.
A relationship full of lies
Some people may be deceiving you with total lies just to achieve their aims or goals. They may tell you how much they love you but never show it, only acting in ways expressing deception and humiliation.
A relationship where your needs are undermined
You can be in a relationship where your partner only values his/her needs and puts them first without considering yours. They use too much of ‘I’ than ‘We’. Watch out for such people and act right. Never let your needs get faded by there needs, resist deception.
A relationship where you are not heard
You can be in a relationship where every single Idea or opinion from you be it good or bad is not heard by your partner. He/she sees no sense in whatever you speak into his/her mind. They only value there opinions and want them adhered to always.
This article provides you with ideas of determining whether your relationship is toxic or beneficial.